Released in September 2014 the Canon G7X stands out with its compact size, bright and long zoom lens, and selfie-friendly tilting LCD. It delivers excellent image quality and features an intuitive touch-screen interface. Wi-Fi connectivity makes it easy to transfer photos to your phone, enhancing its appeal in the enthusiast compact camera market.

  • 3.0-inch LCD tilts upwards 180 degrees, ideal for selfies
  • Measures 4.1 x 2.4 x 1.6 inches, slightly slimmer than rivals like the Sony RX100 III
  • 40fрѕ еlесtrоnіс ѕhuttеr аnd 12fрѕ mесhаnісаl ѕhuttеr
  • Equipped with Wi-Fi for easy photo transfer
  • Weighs 10.7 ounces (302g)

Used Canon G7X currently available


£600 - £700
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USED Canon PowerShot G7 X Digital Camera

USED Canon PowerShot G7 X Digital Camera

This Compact Camera will show very light use and will exhibit only a few light marks such as light wear to the screen, barrel and base, light dust throughout the optics, although this will not affect image quality in any way.
Used Condition: 9
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