Tinted Glasses Photoshop walkthrough

Hopefully you'll have already read the Simple Glass Still Life post on the blog. If you haven't, you might want to, or this one will make very little sense. Following that post there were several requests for a more detailed step-by-step description of the Photoshop process used to create the digitally manipulated images, so that's what this is. Don't say we never listen!

Details of how the original image was created are in the initial blog post so won't be repeated here. Also bear in mind that this walkthrough describes how I created the final image - you may choose to vary elements of the process to better suit your own image and tastes. All digital manipulation was carried out using Adobe Photoshop Elements. Click on any of the images/screenshots in this walkthrough for a larger view.

Original image

Shot glass

Shot glass


Step 1

1. Open image in Photoshop. Convert to RGB colour if required (Alt+I, Alt+M, Alt+R).

Open image in Photoshop. Convert to RGB colour if required (Alt+I, Alt+M, Alt+R).


Step 2

2. Duplicate background (Ctrl+J).

Duplicate background (Ctrl+J).


Step 3

3. Duplicate layer (Ctrl+J).

Duplicate layer (Ctrl+J).


Step 4

4. Click Image (Alt+I), Resize (Alt+R) and Canvas Size...

Click Image (Alt+I), Resize (Alt+R) and Canvas Size...


Step 5

5. Change the units to Percent and enter 300 in the document Width box.

Step 6

6. Fit canvas to screen (Ctrl+0).

Fit canvas to screen (Ctrl+0).


Step 7

8. Click on and drag the top layer to the left side of the canvas.

Step 8

7. Click on and drag the middle layer to the right side of the canvas.

Step 9

9. Select the top layer, choose Magic Wand tool (press W) and change Tolerance to 10.

Step 10

10. Click on the white space around the glass on the top layer.

Step 11

11. Invert the selection (Shift+Ctrl+I).

Invert the selection (Shift+Ctrl+I).


Step 12

12. Bring up the Hue/Saturation window (Ctrl+U).

Bring up the Hue/Saturation window (Ctrl+U).


Step 13

13. Check the Colorize box (Alt+O). Set Hue to 0, Saturation to 25 and Lightness to 0 and click OK.

Check the Colorize box (Alt+O). Set Hue to 0, Saturation to 25 and Lightness to 0 and click OK.


Step 14

14. Deselect the image (Ctrl+D).

Deselect the image (Ctrl+D).


Step 15

15. Select the middle layer and choose Magic Wand tool (press w).  Keep Tolerance at 10.

Repeat the above steps for the other two glasses. Select colours of your choosing and have fun with the effect!

Final Image

Final image

Tinted glasses