Movember madness!


Cookie duster, trash-stash, soup-strainer, nosy neighbor or lady tickler, call the mustache what you will, but there is no denying its universal status and epitome of authority, cool and manliness.

So, you may well have noticed it’s coming up to that time of year where men up and down the country start sprouting facial fuzz of the top-lip variety, and challenging the normally staid and uptight month of November to become a far more laidback and chilled…



Fu Manchu

Be it in the style of the Mexican, Dali, Fu Manchu or the biker-guy from the Village People, at some point all men have desired to grow the sort of hero-worshiping mustache of our dreams, and look down on our pale bald-lipped brothers, and say “Yes, I have a ‘tach worthy of your respect and awe, now where’s my Harley-Davidson keys?!”

The serious bit

In all seriousness, during November each year, the Movember charity event aims to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and other cancers that affect men, through the growing of moustaches.

It expanded since it’s beginnings in Melbourne Australia to become a truly global movement. With growers supporting the campaign and men’s health cause right across the globe, from Russia to Dubai, Hong Kong to Antarctica, Rio de Janeiro to Mumbai, and everywhere in between.
-Keep an eye out for sports stars and unemployed actors with very little on their social engagement calendar supporting the charity.
In 2010, over 112,000 UK Mo Bros (the moniker given to the selfless and generous tach growers) and Mo Sistas (Supporting stubble-burnt wives and girlfriends) got on board, raising £10.3 million.


It is with this in mind that many of the men of Wex Photographic have decided to put aside the slights and comments from our less well follicle-endowed co-workers and step up to the challenge to groom, trim and wax their way into the annals of fine moustachery and help to beat the target of last years total.

Throughout the month, WEX employees will be partaking and blogging about various fundraising activities to help boost the total, and at the end of the month an award will be given to the top Mo growers along with photographs showing, at first our clean-shaven faces, growth and event updates, and come the 30th Movember, pictures of the proud men who stand proud. Heads, tails and ‘taches above the fallen!

If you would like more information on Movember, please click on:

If you would like to view our Movember team page “WexMo”, rate us, or even donate if you wish, then please click here

So without further ado, let us introduce you to this year 2011 WEX Mo Bros….

 Let the growing commence!


To raise money during the Movember month the wex team took part in a variety of activities such as cake baking, Halloween fancy dress, a number of different quizes and a good old fashioned raffle.

In total we managed to raise a whopping £460.00!

Below are the final contestants that made it thoughtout the Movember month till the very end.