Wex London Photo Challenge Terms and Conditions

London Photo Challenge Terms and Conditions

1. The Promoter is Wex Photo Video, 13 Frensham Road, Norwich. NR3 2BT.

2. Images must be submitted to the London Photo Challenge competition via the online submission form, (which must be completed in full). Any other form of submission will not be accepted.

3. Only high-resolution JPEG or TIFF files, with a minimum DPI of 300 and a minimum pixel height of 4000 pixels will be accepted. Each entrant can submit up to a maximum of three images.

4. Participants enter the London Photo Challenge competition at their own risk and are solely responsible for their own health and safety. Wex Photo Video does not accept responsibility for any repercussions that may arise during or after images have been taken.

5. Wex Photo Video is not responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by entrants in the process of creating and submitting their photographs.

6. Entries can be submitted at any time before 11:59pm on February 28th 2018. Images submitted after this date will not be eligible for entry. However, Wex Photo Video reserves the right to extend the entry period at any time. 

7. The London Photo Challenge winners will be announced within 30 days of the competition closing.

8. There will be two London Photo Challenge winners, who will each receive £250 worth of Wex Photo Video vouchers and their image displayed on the wall of the Commercial Rd store for an unspecified timeframe. Prizes are as stated only, and no cash alternatives will be given. However, Wex Photo Video retains the full and free right to alter prizes should circumstances change beyond its control.

9. The judging of London Photo Challenge competition entries will be carried out by employees of Wex Photo Video.

10. By submitting images to the London Photo Challenge competition, you confirm that you are the copyright holder of the images and that the images are your original work. Wex Photo Video reserves the right to ask entrants to supply the original raw files from the camera, in order to verify any images it suspects may not be the photographer’s own work. Anyone found to be entering imagery belonging to others will be immediately disqualified.

11. Entrants retain all copyright over any photographs submitted, although by entering you agree for your photograph to be used by Wex Photo Video for the purpose of promoting the London Photo Challenge competition online, for use at any future events and as large scale prints to be displayed. Wex Photo Video is not responsible for the licensing of any images submitted by entrants and will co-operate with authorities, should any copyright infringements arise.

12. The London Photo Challenge competition is open to all UK residents aged 16 years or over as of January 22nd 2018, except employees of Wex Photo Video, the companies or organisations with whom the competition is being run, their agents or anyone directly connected with the competition.

13. Reasonable efforts will be made to contact the winners, although if the winner(s) cannot be contacted within 28 days of the London Photo Challenge competition closing, Wex Photo Video reserves the right to offer the main prize to another entrant (as chosen by the London Photo Challenge judges).

14. No purchase necessary to win nor enter.

15. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

16. Wex Photo Video reserves the right to disqualify entrants found to be breaking any of these London Photo Challenge competition terms and conditions. Those found breaking any conditions will be notified of their disqualification from the London Photo Challenge competition.

17. Any entrant found to have submitted content deemed inappropriate by Wex Photo Video will be disqualified immediately. Wex Photo Video reserves the right to contact authorities regarding any submissions it considers unlawful. The views and opinions expressed via all London Photo Challenge entries do not necessarily reflect those held by Wex Photo Video.

18. The competition is subject to the general terms and conditions found here.

19. All entrants are deemed to have accepted these rules and agree to co-operate in any future publicity that may arise.

20. Wex Photo Video reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time.

21. Wex Photo Video reserves the right to suspend and or cancel the competition at any time.